We are Charlie and Lucy Jeffers, and we believe that every kid deserves access to play and learning tools, and no one does that better than LEGO.
Welcome to the biggest LEGO rebuild ever.

Pass the Bricks has a simple process. We collect used LEGO bricks, sanitize and sort them, design “new” sets and distribute them to kids who wouldn’t normally have access to them – either directly or through nonprofit partners.

Our Mission
Our mission is to create a widespread behavior change so that every used LEGO brick is seen as an opportunity to help kids in need.

Get involved!
There are three ways to get involved: donate used LEGO bricks, volunteer with some of the steps, or become a Pass the Bricks ambassador.
Ambassadors are what we call the individuals, families, organizations and schools doing Pass the Bricks in their cities. This means they're collecting and cleaning used bricks, building and packaging "new" sets, and figuring out how to get them to kids who don't have access to them. We have a growing list of ambassadors in 193 cities across the world! We’re so grateful for all of them.
If you have used LEGO bricks to donate, or want to volunteer to help, please contact the ambassador that’s closest to you. Here is our current list of ambassadors (we update this frequently, so please continue to check back):
Juneau -- Nancy D., alaskapassthebricks@gmail.com
Glendale -- Russ C., givingbricks@gmail.com
Phoenix -- Sabrina P., sabrina@hanthro.com
Show Low -- Laura N., mountainofbricks@gmail.com
Aliso Viejo -- Kristen S., nonnasbricks@gmail.com
Azusa -- Mayra A., ma.passthebricks@gmail.com
Carlsbad -- Luke M. and Pacific Ridge School, lmichel@pacificridge.org
Costa Mesa -- Krystal T., thompsonkrystal2@gmail.com
Danville -- Salma and Soraya M., salmaandsoraya@gmail.com
Fremont -- Ira T., irapassthebricks@gmail.com
Fresno -- Marc R., zenusbricks@gmail.com
Fullerton -- Marc R., zenusbricks@gmail.com
Irvine -- Ryan S., ryanshi08@gmail.com
La Cañada Flintridge -- Katherine P. and Anaya T., La Cañada High, passthebrickslacanada@gmail.com
Los Angeles -- Dylan E., jcada9256@gmail.com
Newport Beach -- Carter R., carterbricks17@gmail.com
Porter Ranch -- Sophie L., sophianne.ptb@gmail.com
Poway -- Benjamin D., bjdrbhsbricks@gmail.com
Rancho Cordova -- Lacey G., Laceypassthebricks@gmail.com
Rancho Cucamonga -- David S., beansbricks2024@gmail.com
Rancho Mission Viejo -- Derek, kreativekollector@gmail.com
Sacramento -- Dawn D., sacramentoptb@gmail.com
San Diego -- Kristine and Mateo M., passthebrickssd@gmail.com
San Diego -- Rowan W., gmwolff@yahoo.com
San Dimas -- Tristin C., developmentteam@mckinleycc.org
San Jose -- Ethan E., ethanbricks@icloud.com
San Francisco -- Charlie K., charliepassthebricks@gmail.com
San Francisco -- Julia P., juliapassthebricks@gmail.com
San Francisco -- Tinna H., passtinnabricks@gmail.com
San Rafael -- Nate E., nathanielevens@gmail.com
Tiburon -- Lucy J., lucypassthebricks@gmail.com
Colorado Springs -- Hannah C., hytcortez@gmail.com
Dillon -- Melissa M., alegooflove@gmail.com
Durango -- Anna and Harrison R., annariling@gmail.com
Lakewood -- Matthew E., espematt8@gmail.com
Loveland -- Shandice M., shandicebricks@gmail.com
Berlin -- FIRST Robotics Technonuts 155, technobricks155@gmail.com
Darien -- Ethan L., passthebricksct@gmail.com
Fairfield -- Devin B., devinpassthebricks@gmail.com
West Hartford -- Jack P., jackpassthebricks@gmail.com
Westport -- Gavin M., murphygavin708@gmail.com
Middletown -- Keith B, aboutkids1@outlook.com
Bradenton -- Paxten L., paxtenbricks@gmail.com
Davie -- Sidd S., siddbricks@gmail.com
Ft. Meyers -- Abbey R., abbeyschmitt43@gmail.com
Miami -- Blake and Miguel SP/Belen Jesuit Preparatory, bmbricksbelen@gmail.com
Miami -- The Moure Family, mourebricks@gmail.com
Naples -- Briana L., Community School of Naples, bleschen@communityschoolnaples.org
Naples -- Caroline K./The Village School Of Naples, ckovach@tvsnaples.org
Oviedo -- The Zimmerman Family, passthebricksfl@gmail.com
Port Richie -- Melody and Ryan M., bricksmelodyandryan@gmail.com
Weston -- Salva U., salvabricks@gmail.com
Atlanta -- Bharwani Family, passthebricksatlanta@gmail.com
Atlanta -- Riverwood International Charter School, leahpassthebricks@gmail.com
Aiea, Oahu -- Ann T., annietbricks@gmail.com
Boise -- Kelly F., passthebricksidaho@gmail.com
Aurora -- Neyra B., neyraballesteros@yahoo.com
Bloomington-Normal -- Rajith Iyer, rajpassthebricks@gmail.com
Buffalo Grove -- Melissa D., mbdickstein16@gmail.com
Crest Hill -- Amazon Sort Center, families-mdw5@amazon.com
Elmhurst -- Maggie S., wepassbricks@gmail.com
McHenry -- Ally E. at Montini School, allypassthebricks@gmail.com
Carmel -- Krissy and Kai B., passthebricksindiana@gmail.com
Ames -- Troy R., passthebricksames@gmail.com
Decorah -- Shannon H., Decorah Schools, shannon.horton@decorah.school
Des Moines -- Jessica L., passthebricksmatt@gmail.com
Olathe -- Haylee S., Heritage Library Media, booksandbricks2024@gmail.com
Lexington -- Hannah K. and Avneesh K., lexingtonkybricks@gmail.com
Louisville -- Izaiah N., izaiahbricks@gmail.com
Damariscotta -- Samuel S and Caroline A., passthebricksme@gmail.com
South Portland -- Michael P., michaelpbricks@gmail.com
Chester -- Kristen K., krissypassesbricks@gmail.com
Clinton -- Timothy B., timothybricks12@gmail.com
Elkridge -- Zaine A., brickmasterzaine@gmail.com
Gaithersburg -- Aidan B., akpassthebricks@gmail.com
Potomac -- The JAKD Family, potomacbricks@gmail.com
Great Barrington -- Families Like Ours, rania@familieslikeoursinc.com
Needham -- Natalia L., Needham High School, nhspassthebricks@gmail.com
Peabody -- Annabelle W., ajwpassthebricks@gmail.com
Ypsilanti -- Thaddeus M., thadmicelli@gmail.com
Duluth -- Amanda B., lego.burrows@gmail.com
Minneapolis -- Mila M., milabrickcollector@gmail.com
Owatonna -- Sharleen B., kellysbrick1947@gmail.com
St. Paul -- Mandy M., passthebricksmn@gmail.com
Kansas City -- Rhonda H., passthebricks@jolyean.com
St. Louis -- Michelle B., Mary Institute and St Louis Country Day School (MICDS), passthebricks@micds.org
St. Louis -- ​St. Lucas UCC, stlucasbricks@gmail.com
Bynum -- Bynum School, passthebricksmontana@bynumsch.org
Omaha -- Lego Legend Jason, legolegendjason@gmail.com
Henderson -- AJ W., passthebricksaj@gmail.com
Las Vegas -- Cactus Collective Weddings, cl@mtaylorinc.com
Reno -- Mac and Keller P., passthebricksreno@gmail.com
Concord -- Gavin N., passthebricksgav@gmail.com
Manchester -- Abby G., abbygbricks@gmail.com
Closter -- Ethan L., ethan.builds.lee@gmail.com
Essex Fells -- Sam and Zac R., samandzacbrick@gmail.com
Howell -- J.S. Aldrich Elementary School, jillibeanm@aol.com
Jersey City -- Angelica J., gel_javier@yahoo.com
Maplewood -- Nico S., maplewoodptb@gmail.com
Montclair -- David O., david.o.bricks@gmail.com
Toms River -- Michael T., michaelbricks225@gmail.com
Albuquerque -- Tony B., passthebricksnm@gmail.com
Albany -- Phil H., philhbricks@yahoo.com
Brooklyn -- Julietta F., juliettathebricks@gmail.com
Buffalo -- Jess L., jessie.passthebricksbuffalo@gmail.com
Buffalo -- Suzie M., Buffalo AKG Art Museum, smolnar@buffaloakg.org
E. Hampton (July, August) -- Lisa C., lisa.nyc.bricks@gmail.com
Huntington -- Ethan F., ethancollege2026@gmail.com
Ithaca -- Jennifer D., Coddington Road Community Center, coddingtonbricks@gmail.com
New York City -- The Baptista Family, cb1690@georgetown.edu
New York City (Sept. through June) -- Lisa C., lisa.nyc.bricks@gmail.com
New York City -- Ameneh A. and the Khandani Family ameneha@gmail.com
New York City -- Teddy K., teddypassthebricks@gmail.com
Port Jefferson -- John G., jgergely1994@gmail.com
Rochester -- Joe A., passthebricksny@gmail.com
Saratoga -- Amy R., pajk.bricks@gmail.com
Scarsdale -- Zach dG, zachdeguz443@gmail.com
Sidney -- Callender Family, plz.passthebricks@gmail.com
Syracuse -- Nick T., cnybricks@gmail.com
Westchester -- Sydney S., sydneypassthebrickswestchester@gmail.com
Apex/Cary -- Quan P., passthebricksnc@gmail.com
Asheville -- Gabe N., tifisbane@gmail.com
Cary -- Nicholas S., nsabre2006@gmail.com
Conover -- Shannon F./Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont, sfarnsworth@girlscoutsp2p.org
Greensboro -- Miles M., mbm.passthebricks@gmail.com
Harmony -- Tabatha L. - Girl Scout Troop 10331, iredellserviceunit@gmail.com
Hendersonville -- Cash S., cmhsbricks@gmail.com
Hickory -- Saint Stephens High School, kimberly_turk@catawbaschools.net
Lake Norman -- The Smith Family, passthebricksLKN@gmail.com
Mocksville -- Shantel I. - Girl Scout Service Unit 137, su137daviecounty@gmail.com
Mooresville -- Erin S. - Girl Scout Service Unit 136, esgs7788@gmail.com
Raleigh-Durham -- Dan S., passthebricksrdu@gmail.com
Statesville -- Dara B., Girl Scout Service Unit 135, iredellserviceunit@gmail.com
Troutman -- Amy H. - Girl Scout Troop 13236, iredellserviceunit@gmail.com
Wilmington -- James A., jamesatkinsonpassthebricks@gmail.com
Wilmington -- Javis N., nfswnc@gmail.com
Bismarck -- Michelle C., bismarcklegos@proton.me
Cincinnati -- Paul W., CincyPTB@gmail.com
Cleveland -- Gwen S., gwen.ptb@gmail.com
Hudson -- Chase W., chasewalker184@gmail.com
Springboro -- Nicole D., nicoleditmer@yahoo.com
Westerville -- Rich N., renemec81@gmail.com
Xenia -- Xenia High School - DECA, xeniapassthebricks@gmail.com
Tulsa -- Dacia and Brennan G., passthebrickstulsaok@gmail.com
Tulsa -- Noah D., passthebricksok@gmail.com
Bend -- Sarah W., sarahsbricks@gmail.com
Wilsonville -- Holden B., wenepeg@me.com
Harrisburg -- Neurodiverse Network Inc., leann@ndnet.org
Hatboro -- Jennifer K., jenniferkeohane19@gmail.com
Pittsburgh -- Mark P., passthebrickspittsburgh@gmail.com
Reading -- Jackson M., jacksonmbricks@gmail.com
West Chester -- Helena G., passthebrickspa@gmail.com
Hope -- Sarah L., passthebricksri@gmail.com
Charleston -- Erik S., chspassthebricks@gmail.com
Six Mile -- Skylar P., skylarporterpassthebricks@gmail.com
Chattanooga -- Nico D., passthebrickschatt@gmail.com
Memphis -- Melinda L., 901passthebricks@gmail.com
Nashville -- Calhoun M., ptbnashville@gmail.com
El Paso -- Joseph A., elpasobricks@gmail.com
Frisco -- Sean B., seanbuildsbricks@gmail.com
Houston -- Jacob K., Jacobkarni730@gmail.com
Houston -- Rachel W., winterspassthebricks@gmail.com
Katy -- Allison G., allisongbricks@gmail.com
Katy -- Jolene O., orendorffjolene@gmail.com
San Antonio -- KC H., kc.legobricks@gmail.com
Park City -- Telsie C., chaselegos789@gmail.com
Burke -- Kim M, passthebricksburke@gmail.com
Danville -- Coach Frank Fulton, gmvmarlins@yahoo.com
Irvington (Northern Neck) -- Virginia Chesapeake Academy, croyallelam@chesapeakeacademy.org
Leesburg -- Will H., willhbricks@gmail.com
McLean -- Sophie A., sophieabricks@gmail.com
Virginia Beach -- David P., passthebricksva@gmail.com
Woodbridge -- Francisco P., passthebricksva@gmail.com
Pullyalup -- Paul O., givethembricks@yahoo.com
Renton -- Valerie H., valeriepassthebricks@gmail.com
Seattle -- Dawn U., passthebricksdawn@gmail.com
Seattle -- Crystal B., crystal@cultivatesouthpark.org
Seattle -- Kori H., brickwarrior206@gmail.com
Shoreline -- Noah L., noahpassingthebricks@gmail.com
Green Bay -- Scott and Jennifer V., newpassthebricks@gmail.com
Madison -- The Jones Family, jonesfamilyofsix6@gmail.com
Milwaukee -- Nealita N., nealitaPTB@yahoo.com
Slinger -- Lynn W., lynn.wagner@slingerschools.org
Three Lakes -- Laird Family, passthebricks_northwi@outlook.com
Dorado, Puerto Rico -- Rodrigo N., passthebricks.pr@gmail.com
Villa la Angostura, Neuquén, Argentina -- Julia DL, Cooperativa Escolar Don Jaime de Nevares, angosturajuntalegos@gmail.com
Tasmania, Australia -- Michelle S., sweetpearstoyshop@hotmail.com
Warwick, Bermuda -- Jackson & Tyler LaHuta, jacksonmixelman@gmail.com
Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- Adam S., strattonbricks@gmail.com
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada -- Elaine H, MimeX Society, mimexsociety@gmail.com
Bogotá, D.C Colombia -- Juan P., seif.cardbusiness@gmail.com
Prague, Czech Republic -- Woodward-Garza family, woodwardspassthebrick@gmail.com
Cornwall, England, UK -- Anna B., anna.puddles@gmail.com
London, England, UK -- Ashema, kharicbricks@gmail.com
London, England, UK -- Paula A., paulapassthebricks@gmail.com
Northampton, England, UK -- Rinat R., rd.lego.bricks@gmail.com
Paris, France -- Cervasel Family, mrscervasel@gmail.com
Thessaloniki, Greece -- Peggy P., Anatolia College, socialresponsibility@anatolia.edu.gr
Tegucigalpa, Honduras -- Ixchel Luna (DelCampo School), iluna@delcamposchool.org
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR -- Leo R., passthebrickshk@gmail.com
Wako-shi, Saitama Japan -- Wako-shi Team SDGs Sorayomi Yummy, sdgswako+ptb@gmail.com
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- Christine Y., passthebricks@ohconfetti.com
Male, Maldives -- PassTheBricksMV, passthebricksmaldives@gmail.com
Mexico City -- Matilde V., passthebricks@esn.edu.mx
Mexico City, Mexico -- Rex, rexpassthebricks@gmail.com
Auckland, New Zealand -- Han Family, passthebricksnz@gmail.com
Panama City, Panama -- Boston School International, Karina.delcastillo@bostonschool.edu.pa
Panama City, Panama -- Natalia, S., passthebrickspty@gmail.com
Warsaw, Poland -- Anastasia and Iurii G., podajdalejlego@gmail.com
Lisbon, Portugal -- Joana, J., joana.de.vilhena@gmail.com
Lima, Peru -- Vanessa R., vanessa.passthebricksperu@gmail.com
Makati City, Philippines -- Erica C., ericabricks@yahoo.com
Bangkok, Thailand -- Ben W., passthebricks@harrowschool.ac.th
Dubai, UAE -- Vyom V., vyompassthebricks@gmail.com
If you're interested in becoming a Pass the Bricks ambassador, please email us at passthebricks@gmail.com Thanks!
The numbers so far...
12.2 K+
Pounds of LEGO bricks collected
"new" Sets Donated
Charity distribution Partners and
Corporate Friends

(donor drive)